Plastic Glazing Packers

For glazing wood, plastic and aluminium windows.

Next day delivery ends in:
Product code Description Price Per Stock Wishlist Order
A721-108 100x28x1mm Plastic Glazing Packers - Green
£16.02 +VAT
£19.22 inc. VAT
1000 34000
A721-230 100x28x2mm Plastic Glazing Packers - Black
£18.47 +VAT
£22.16 inc. VAT
1000 17000
A721-320 100x28x3mm Plastic Glazing Packers - White
£20.74 +VAT
£24.89 inc. VAT
1000 25000
A721-410 100x28x4mm Plastic Glazing Packers - Grey
£22.64 +VAT
£27.17 inc. VAT
1000 12000
A721-540 100x28x5mm Plastic Glazing Packers - Blue
£26.95 +VAT
£32.34 inc. VAT
1000 20000
A721-609 100x28x6mm Plastic Glazing Packers - Red
£30.66 +VAT
£36.79 inc. VAT
1000 12000
A721-791 100x28 Plastic Glazing Packers Bag of 120
Assorted (20 of each 1-6mm)
£6.81 +VAT
£8.17 inc. VAT
1 296

01772 250060



Mon - Fri / 6:30 - 16:00

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