Buffalo Resin Offer

Two Great Offers for you..................

12 x Buffalo™ XP410 Polyester Resin 410ml DEAL C/w FOC Resin Gun

XP is a polyester based fixing resin designed as an economical solution for chemical anchoring in low exposure areas, with lightweight to medium loads. Particularly suitable for anchoring studs and bolts into hollow walls and masonry.

6 xBuffalo™ XPSF300 Polyester SF Resin 300ml DEAL C/w FOC Skeleton Gun

XPSF is a polyester based fixing resin designed for load bearing applications in brick, hollow, or aerated concrete. Designed without styrene for use in confined areas. Used for fixing bolts, posts, threaded studs and a variety of anchors.

Product code Description Price Per Stock Wishlist Order
RESOFFER1 Buffalo™ XP410 Polyester Resin 410ml DEAL
C/w FOC Resin Gun
£96.00 +VAT
£115.20 inc. VAT
2-3 days
RESOFFER2 Buffalo™ XPSF300 Polyester SF Resin 300ml
DEAL C/w FOC Skeleton Gun
£48.00 +VAT
£57.60 inc. VAT
2-3 days

01772 250060




Mon - Fri / 6:30 - 16:00

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