P16 Plumbers PVC Solvent Pipe Cement 250ml

P16 PVC Pipe Cement is a non-drip, thixotropic solvent based pipe cement for use with non-pressure PVC and ABS thermoplastic pipes and conduits. P16 PVC Pipe Cement combines a long open time with a rapid rate of bond strength development. The product is designed specifically for the following: Bonding uPVC and ABS non-pressure pipes to themselves and each other, i.e. uPVC soil and ventilating pipes, fittings, and accessories conforming to BS414; uPVC rainwater piping/goods conforming to BS4576; uPVC underground drainpipes and fittings BS4660; ABS or uPVC waste pipes and fittings conforming to BS55255.

£14.04 +VAT
£16.85 inc. VAT

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