Jumbo Mitre Bond Kit -

100gm Adhesive & 400ml Activator

Mitrebond is quick and clean and sets in 10 seconds

No mixing or heating

Use one or two drops per joint – a 50g bottle is sufficient for 100 cornice joints

Result is a very clean and tight joint every time

Apply to: MDF, Timber, Glass, Ceramics, Aluminium, Chipboard, Perspex, Steel, Porcelain, Some Plastics

Use on Cornice & Profile Mitre Joints, Melamine end strips, door trims, picture frames, MDF skirting joints etc.

£12.81 +VAT
£15.37 inc. VAT

Further information

Stock level: 441

01772 250060




Mon - Fri / 6:30 - 16:00

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